
A productivity app that integrates wellbeing and mental health awareness.

Best Overall Project – Design @ UCI's Designathon

Project Type
48 Hours
(November 2020)
UX Design
UX Research
Allison Yick
Stephanie Chang


Project Context

Design a solution that tackles procrastination
while also promoting mindfulness.

Motivator was created during a designathon hosted by Design @ UC Irvine. For 48 hours, my team designed a desktop app that aims to integrate seamlessly with an individuals' daily workflow to help them tackle procrastination. Our app also aims to promote mental wellbeing within our users.

After our initial conversations, my team decided to focus on a solution to help individuals with personal accountability while also promoting mental wellbeing.

How might we enhance the experience with time management apps to improve user accountability?

How might we make a mental health app that is useful for individuals to use in their daily lives?

Together, we created Motivator, a desktop app that integrates wellbeing and mental health awareness all in one place.

User Research

Understanding Our Audience

How do busy individuals currently keep track of
their tasks and personal wellbeing?

In the short period of time we had, my team sent out a survey to our peers to understand how individuals currently keep track of their daily tasks and their personal wellbeing. 

User Survey

Our survey was divided into two sections: experience with productivity apps and experience with mental health apps. In total, we were able to get 39 responses.

We found that participants who used productivity apps usually used them on a daily or weekly basis. Participants favored features such as calendars, notifications, task priority, and checklists.

For mental health, we found that 71.8% of our participants never used a mental health app. Participants who did use these apps enjoyed features like journaling, self-care reminders, and goal tracking.

Survey Insights

We consolidated our findings into two pain point categories: "Accountability with Tasks" and "Mental Health". Then, we separated the responses we received from our survey into subcategories based on the challenges users faced in their experiences with productivity and mental health apps.


To further compile our survey results, we created two user personas to highlight common pain points we found.

User Journey

Once our personas were finalized, we then developed a user journey which helped us understand how our product could be used in a scenario.


Creating Our Solutions

With our insights, what features can we create
to solve our user’s pain points?

After compiling our survey findings into insights, my team began to develop solutions based on these insights.

Insights to Solutions

My team conducted a brainstorming session where we utilized the key insights from our survey to develop possible solutions in our app.

User Flow

After developing our solutions, asked ourselves: how will users navigate to these solutions? This led us to develop a user flow that visualizes the various pathways users could use to get to our key features within Motivator.

Personalization Through Widgets

One feature we wanted to highlight, was the use of widgets. We added widgets as a feature in Motivator to make our experience more personal to users. Highlighting these in our user flow helped us understand which features could serve as widgets within our product.

Low Fidelity Wireframes

With the user flow complete, my team moved on to creating our first iteration of wireframes. Due to limited time, each member of the team took on designs for one part of the app. I focused on creating wireframes for the mental health section of Motivator.

Dashboard Designs

One of the challenges we came across was creating our dashboard for our desktop app. Everyone created their own low-fidelity wireframe for the dashboard. Then, we reconvened for mini critique sessions to discuss our wireframes. This process helped us decide on a cohesive dashboard and helped us develop a framework for the rest of our page designs.

Final Design

Customizable Dashboard

We designed our dashboard to serve as a hub for all the features available to users in the Motivator app. Additionally, we focused on personalizing the dashboard with customizable widgets. Widgets enable users to create their own personal dashboard to fit their needs.

Task Filter Options & Breakdowns

Motivator allows users to create their own task categories. This promotes personalized task organization. Users can also break down larger, overwhelming tasks by creating subtasks.

Milestone Achievements

Motivator has an achievement system where users can level up creatures, called Motivators. Motivators aim to help motivate users and to establish a friendly environment.

Prioritizing Mental Health

Motivator's mental health section includes features like a daily mood tracker and advice section.

Holding Friends Accountable

To tackle responsibilities collaboratively, users can connect with friends. Together, they can view each others’ task progress and hold each other accountable.


Reflecting on the Designathon

Creating Motivator was my second designathon and it was an experience that I won’t forget. During this project, I learned how vital communication is in the design thinking process. For example, my team and I created many iterations of our app’s design. While we all understood what features we wanted, the way we visualized each feature was different. Being able to show how we visualized these features, and discussing our thought processes, was vital to our outcome.

Additionally, I learned how important it is to pick your battles when it comes to designing a product. During our ideation period, we came up with a variety of ideas to solve the problems we found in our research. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time to design every idea with the 48 hours we had. This situation helped me understand how to prioritize the most important aspects of a design.

Future Developments of the Project:

If we did have more time to work on Motivator, I would have focused on developing our ideas that didn’t make the final design because of our time frame. For example, we wanted to provide mental health resources for users to have. Although we did include a mockup of possible mental health articles, I would have enjoyed exploring more resources.