Crafting new marketing strategies and initiatives for UC San Diego's largest technology community.

Public Relations Director
May 2022 - Present
Project Type
Marketing, Project Management

Role Overview

What I Do

Marketing for the Largest Organization at UC San Diego

As a Public Relations Director, I spearhead all of the digital marketing initiatives to promote the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Chapter at UC San Diego. Every quarter (~10 weeks) we have an average of 60 events that I promote on Instagram, Facebook, Discord, and on our website.

While my requirements end at just promoting events, I wanted to push myself and explore new marketing opportunities. This year, I was able to lead the charge on various marketing initiatives to redefine our marketing strategy.

Our marketing strategy is outdated and not representative of “who we are”.

Problem Space

Improving Our Marketing

Why It's Outdated

ACM's primary marketing strategy involved using Facebook to promote our events. After doing an analysis of our Facebook, I found that it wasn't the best social media for us.

In September 2022, I conducted a comparison of our to most active profiles: Facebook and Instagram to gauge our activity.

From this analysis, I saw that our Instagram had a much larger following. Yet, our strategy neglected this audience.

It's Not Representative of "ACM"

One of the most noticeable issues in our marketing was the lack of student representation. Visually our marketing content involved infographic-like visuals.

Discussing this issue with other ACM board members and general members, I came to the conclusion that our marketing needs to be people-focused.

People-Focused Marketing
upcoming @ acm

I scrapped our Facebook marketing strategy to put a heavier focus on Instagram and content that was easily digestible for audiences.

What Did That Look Like?: An initiative called "upcoming @ acm" that's published every week and promotes our upcoming events. The initiative features content visuals from the previous events we hosted; showing the people that make up our ACM chapter.

Fall Quarter "Wrapped"

Fall quarter (September to December) is famously known as the most-active quarter at UC San Diego. For ACM, we had our largest recruitment season ever and had events almost everyday.

To encapsulate our most active quarter, I created a "Fall Quarter Wrapped" marketing post that aligned with the most recent Spotify Wrapped.

Wrapped Newsletter

To improve our marketing towards industry partners, I created a "Wrapped Newsletter" that encapsulated what we did in the fall. This was shown to partners such as Roblox and Jane Street.